Saturday, November 3, 2012

If It's Broke, Fix It: Film Cliches I Can't Stand

It's a truth universally acknowledged that cliches are old as time (pun intended).  Joking aside, cliches are a staple of everyday life. Without them, we would have nothing to describe or compare situations with. And nowhere are cliches more prominent than in films. (i.e.; the good vs. evil battle, the damsel in distress, etc.) For the most part, film cliches are tolerable and helpful to the plot.

However, there are some cliches that I personally can't stand. These are cliches that ruin films and make the film-watching process unbearable. So of course, I have to write about it.

So to change things up, I've included a Prezi that presents some cliches I hate and include a short description of why I think they're bad. Also, I added films that have included these cliches and films that have used them in a good/different way.

So watch and enjoy. What are some film cliches that annoy you?

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